4 advantages of online surveys for research

Online surveys are a great market research tool in order to explore if there is market for a new product or service or for validating a new business idea. Moreover, online surveys offer a fast and accurate solution for cost-effective market research and have several benefits:
1. Faster
The time span needed to complete an online survey project is 5 to 8 times shorter. Furthermore, most surveys with up to 1000 responses are being completed within hours, thus providing insights essentially in real-time. Survey responses are processed automatically and the results are accessible at any time.

2. More accurate
Several studies have compared classic telephone surveys with online surveys and concluded that an online survey methodology provides deeper insights by allowing the participant to input own data transparently into the system without bias. Furthermore, most of the time, the audience isn’t part of a dedicated research panel and therefore more honest responses are collected.

3. Cost-effective
Online surveys for research come at a fraction of the cost while providing high quality tools to set-up and analyze data.

4. Fast analysis
Results of online surveys are ready to be analyzed at any time. Most data are presented in graphs, allow cross tabulation analysis and provide access to raw data too.

As a business owner you can design your own online surveys in minutes with an online survey software like Pollfish and get results within minutes in order to confirm and evaluate your assumptions with accurate research.

To create your own survey in 2′ click here